It is very important to respect the spirit of the group and all its rules. It has been a hard work to create a popular group like this one from nothing. These rules are here to avoid past mistakes.
There are different types of Roles in Meetup(Organizers). In this group only the roles “Co-Organizer” and “Assistant Organizer” are being used. In the following rules, the terms “Assistant Organizer” and “Event Host” will be used having the same meaning.
- O.1. General rules
- O.1.1. This is a non-profit group and the status of Co- or Assistant Organizer can be denied and cancelled at any time with the Organizer’s discretion.
- O.1.2. An Event Host is not allowed to earn money from the events. All fees charged to the people attending an event have to be used to cover the costs of the event.
- O.1.3. If an Event Host does not respect all Membership Rules, including the rules of this document, he/she will become a regular member and will not be able to be Event Host anymore.
- O.1.4. In the profile picture of an Assitant Organizer the high of his/her face must be at least 25% of the total height of the picture. Also it has to be easy to recognize his/her face, avoiding masks and other things that can make it difficult to recognize you.
- O.2. Becoming Assistant Organizer (Event Host) and maintaining the role:
- O.2.1. To become Assistant Organizer, you have to send an email to one of the Organizers (Anchel or Josep), answering the following questions:
- What type (or types) of events do you want to publish?Did you read the membership and organizer rules?
- O.2.2. An Event Host must publish and execute at least 2 events every year. If not, the Event Host will become a regular member. Events with two Event Hosts or more, will not be considered for the calculation of this rule. The one-year period begins from the time the person became an organizer.
- O.2.1. To become Assistant Organizer, you have to send an email to one of the Organizers (Anchel or Josep), answering the following questions:
- O.3. Planning events
- O.3.1. No more than 1 guest per group member is allowed in hiking or climbing events.
- O.3.2. If an Event Host allows guests in an event:
- He or she must add the following text to the event: “By joining this event, you AND YOUR GUEST are accepting the membership rules ”
- O.3.3. To manage RSVPs in an event, the use of a waiting list is a MUST. If the maximum of people allowed to join an event has been reached, people have to be able to join a waiting list. People’s expectations of joining an event must be managed properly.
- O.3.4. In an event going by private cars:
- It is not allowed to create the event with a maximum of people allowed to join it that exceeds the maximum capacity of the confirmed cars.
- If the Event Host is going with his/her car, he/she must open the event to a maximum of 4-5 people at the beginning.
- If the Event Host is going with NO car, he/she must open the event to a maximum of 1 person (himself or herself) at the beginning.
- People offering cars in the waiting list can be added ignoring the list order until there are enough cars for the maximum amount of people allowed for the event.
- O.3.5. If an event is closed and the maximum of people is changed or a free spot opens in an event, the Organizer can choose to add more people to the event. If this is the case it MUST be done in the same order of appearance of the list, excepting in the case that the organizer wants (and can) to apply the next rule (O.3.6.).
- O.3.6. The Event Host can add up to 2 people (for events for 20 people) or 3 people (for events for 21 or more people) to the event ignoring the waiting list order (1 more person than a driver). If there is more than one Organizer this advantage is ignored.
- O.3.7. Outdoor activities involve some risks that you should not ignored. The following topics are mandatory when publishing an outdoor activity:
- a) Always suggest in the description of your event to have an insurance or similar for the activity that you are publishing.
- b) Include always in the description relevant information such as distance to be walked/cycled/etc, cumulative elevation gain, etc.
- c) In a mountaineering events, include the Difficulty of the event and a description of any required gear and/or skills (if necessary). To determine the Difficulty, you can follow the suggestion at Essentials of Hiking, if you need it.
- d) It is mandatory to share the GPS Track or similar before the event happens. It’s a good practice to share it publicly in the description, but it can also be done privately.
- O.3.8. If an event requires to book accommodation, the Event Host is the person who has to coordinate the booking:
- He/she has to collect the money from all people attending to the event.
- He/she has to book it once the money was collected.
- O.3.9. All Event Hosts must send all his/her announcements of free spots in an event to all members of the group that did not RSVP. It is not going to be tolerated to send emails to a «selection of people» or «closer friends» in order to offer them. To meet people that you like, use your email or phone. It is not the purpose of this group.
- O.3.10. You must manage correctly the expectations of potential event participants. When a person appears on the attendance list, it must mean that the following requirements have been met:
- It has been assured a spot (and assigned) in the means of transport for the event.
- After joining an event, the Event Host has to check during the following 48 hours, if the participant has answered the event questions correctly. If not, the member has to join to the waiting list again.
- The payment of the event fee of the attending person can be pending (if applicable a fee), but he/she must receive the email stating how to proceed with the payment during the following 48 hours.
- It has been assured a spot (and assigned) in the accommodation chosen for the event (including tents).
- This point will be applied only in the case that the Event Host does not have to pay in advance a reservation.
- O.3.11. The attendance list of an event must be managed with the Meetup Page of our group exclusively. It is not allowed to manage part of the attendants using other Meetup Groups and/or other platforms. The objectibe of this rule, is to have only one waiting list and avoid different rules for joining or attending to be applied (like the No Shows).
- O.3.12. It is not allowed that in the description of an event or through links to external forms, the rules of this group are qualified or altered for any activity. It is advisable to include a link to the Events Disclaimer in the description of an activity.
- O.4. At the event
- O.4.1. An Event Host must explain to the people attending to each event that they can make donations to cover the costs of The donations collected must be delivered to the Organizer of this group, who is who pays the fees.
- O.4.2. If an Event Host does not treat the members attending his/her event with respect; he/she will become a regular member and will not be able to become Assistant Organizer anymore.
- O.5. After the event
- O.5.1. An Event Host must manage No-Shows and other relevant event information properly (like it has been explained in the membership rules).